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10 Ways For Women To Secure Grants For Starting A Business


Starting a business is an exciting venture, and for women entrepreneurs, there are specific grants designed to provide the financial support needed to turn their business dreams into reality. In this guide, we’ll explore ten effective ways for women to secure grants when launching their own businesses.

Research Women-Centric Grant Programs:

Many organizations offer grants specifically for women entrepreneurs. Conduct thorough research to identify women-centric grant programs from both public and private sectors. Organizations like the Eileen Fisher Women-Owned Business Grant Program and the Amber Grant for Women are excellent starting points.

Explore Government Grants for Small Businesses:

Government agencies, such as the Small Business Administration (SBA), provide grants and resources for small businesses, including those owned by women. Investigate grant opportunities like the Women’s Business Centers (WBC) Program, which offers support and funding.

Connect with Women’s Business Organizations:

Women’s business organizations and networks often provide information on grants and resources for female entrepreneurs. Organizations like the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and local women’s chambers of commerce can offer valuable insights.

Utilize Online Grant Databases:

Explore online grant databases that aggregate information on various grant opportunities. Websites like GrantWatch and Foundation Center offer filters that allow you to specifically search for grants catering to women in business.

Leverage Industry-Specific Grants:

Some industries offer grants specifically for women entrepreneurs. Explore grants related to your business sector and check if there are any earmarked for women-owned businesses. This could include technology, agriculture, or healthcare sectors.

Participate in Competitions and Challenges:

Entrepreneurial competitions and challenges often come with cash prizes and funding opportunities. Competing in events like the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards or the Tory Burch Foundation Fellows Program can not only provide funding but also valuable exposure.

Check Local and Regional Programs:

Many cities and regions have economic development programs that support women-owned businesses. Check with local government offices, economic development agencies, and chambers of commerce for grants and incentives available in your area.

Network and Attend Women-Focused Events:

Attend networking events, conferences, and workshops focused on women in business. These gatherings often provide opportunities to learn about grants, connect with mentors, and gain insights from successful women entrepreneurs.

Seek Guidance from Women Entrepreneurs:

Connect with experienced women entrepreneurs who have successfully secured grants for their businesses. Seek their guidance, learn from their experiences, and gather tips on navigating the grant application process.

Develop a Strong Business Plan:

A well-crafted business plan is crucial when applying for grants. Clearly articulate your business concept, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. A strong business plan enhances your credibility and increases your chances of securing funding.


Securing grants for women starting a business involves a combination of strategic research, networking, and leveraging industry-specific opportunities. By exploring women-centric programs, connecting with organizations, and developing a solid business plan, women entrepreneurs can position themselves for success. Remember, there are numerous resources and initiatives dedicated to supporting women in business, and tapping into these opportunities can pave the way for a thriving entrepreneurial journey.


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